Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

l o v e

If Love is about blushing face and blossoming smile,
If Love is about a heart`s beating upside down,
If Love is to run out of words, a tightened throat, and the clogging of electricity that flows through neurons inside the brain,
If Love is fear, for its own isolation,
If Love is the reason that makes star looks brighter, wind blows gentler, the sun shines warmer, the cloud shapes more beautiful and colors in rainbow feels richer,
If Love turns out to be close to jealousy,
If Love makes tears linger as often as the presence of subtle dew in each morning,
If Love is as complicated as the root wrapping itself to the ground, growing beneath the simplicity of life,
If Love is a deep yearning if that someone if not being beside you,
If Love pushes someone to grow, far beyond childishness. Then the heart awake as the logic touched,
If Love is a hope, for God to protect and give the best,
If Love is a time goes so fast when you are with someone,
If Love makes the laugh loosened, smile widened, to both of you burst out laughing,
If Love is an effort to comprehend, understand, broaden the meaning, reasons, and purpose of life, to contemplate in each revelation, struggle inside the universe of thoughts,
If Love sometimes become a cause to fragility as dry leaves falling in midday sun,
If Love makes you feel closer to God,
If Love is a deep regret for painful words have said before and before,
And if Love is other Ifs,
Then I have loved thousand times
But if Love is to fulfill all above premises in one point of time, then this is the first time,
I love you.

email from my best friend....

meskipun g yakin ni bikinan dia sendiri...^^
but thanks for sharing this with me..

Senin, 22 Februari 2010


Akhirnya jadi juga punya blog sendiri, hihihi telat ya..

orang-orang udah pada experts bikin blog ini masih newbie...

ahhh tak apalah tak adeu kata terlambat untuk memulai, betul....betul...betul..

ni juga awalnya gara2 ponakan aq yg udah duluan punya blog,

jadi ni ceritanya g mau kalah heuheuheu...

smg bermanfaat ajalah nantinya....